Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join the chapter?
Joining is easy. Just show up to any of our events!
When you join, you'll be added as an active member in our database. If you haven't attended any meetings or events in over a year, we will remove you from our database. It's that easy.
Sure, this process will change over time for formality purposes - but for now, this is how it works.
Do I need a certification to be chapter member?
NO! At heart, we are a bunch of like-minded individuals who aim to learn, educate and stay apprised in the world of Cyber Security. While we think it's great if you carried a certification, we would rather you join our chapter without one - than to not join at all.
What happens when showing up to meetings?
When attending our meetings, you have an opportunity to network with other like-minded individuals, learn about how the chapter operates and listen to one or multiple presentations from an expert in the field.
Why do you ask for my ISC2 Member ID?
As a chartered ISC2 membership chapter, we can submit CPEs on your behalf to ISC2. This relieves you of the burden of submitting them yourself, but most enjoyably, these CPEs are not subject to audit!
What if I don't have a Member ID?
You don't need a member ID to join the chapter. The chapter is for like-minded individuals to network with each other and discuss what is happening in the world of Cyber Security.
How do I get an ISC2 Member ID?
To get a membership ID, simply pass any of these certifications:
I think I have an ID number, but where do I find it?
The ID number is visible on the ISC2 member portal, under your profile.
From the ISC2 member portal, visit your Profile page by:
1. Click your name in the top-right corner. Your name is written in white with a black background.
2. Click "Profile", in the new drop-down menu that appears.
On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see your name, followed by your ID number.
Your ID number, which is circled here in red for reference, is what you use in submitting anything ISC2-related.
Do we earn CPEs for attending chapter meetings?
Yes. You will earn TWO(2) Type-A credits for this meeting.
Note: CPEs are entered for ISC2 only. If you have certifications in other areas, we cannot submit them for you. We are only submitting CPEs for the ISC2 organization!
When should we see CPEs on our dashboard?
Within 28 days of attending the meeting.
The Membership Chair will submit CPEs within 2 weeks of the meeting date. From there, ISC2 requires 5-10 business days to approve them.
Please understand that the process is very manual and we all have full-time jobs outside of our work here. While we will do our best to submit CPEs as early as possible, we do kindly request patience during the 28-day period.
What is the process for CPE submission?
By the first weekend after the chapter meeting, the Membership Chair reviews the meeting attendance and prepares the CPE submission draft.
If there were attendees at the meeting who we do not have Membership ID numbers for, we will contact them via the email address on record to collect these ID numbers.
From there, we will wait 1 week for replies for proper numbers and submit our paperwork to ISC2.
What if you submitted CPEs but I can't see them?
Please reach out to our membership chair right away! We only have 6 weeks from the activity date to submit CPEs to ISC2. Since you already "lose" 4 weeks while waiting for things to show up - we need to hear from you as soon as possible, so that we can rectify it immediately.
How often do you hold meetings?
We hold meetings once per month from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM Eastern Time, on the last Tuesday of the month, except November and December.
What is your meeting format?
We try to follow the same standing agenda every month:
Open Network Time ​​
Use this time to meet with your peers and enjoy dinner on us!
Note: Food may contain allergens, including nuts, gluten, dairy and soy. Catered meals are not attentive to any allergy or other dietary requirements!
Chapter Business​
General Business
Financial status
Sponsor Plugs​
Chatham House Rules​
Upcoming Cyber Security events
New Member Introductions
Job Search / Placement
Who is hiring?
Who is looking for work?
Presentation by our speaker(s)
During this time, you will hear from our feature presentation for the month. Presenter varies from month to month. Please see the monthly event invite details for more information.
Concluding statements
Are there membership dues or fees?
No. We had dues in 2023 however, we suspended them for 2024. We believe that sponsorships will allow for us to continue operations, without charging members directly.
How can my company sponsor the chapter?
First and foremost, thank you for your consideration!
To become a sponsor, please contact us at, where we will discuss this opportunity.